Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sticks and Stones...


Some times I just don't know what to do with them. And I put Christians in quotes because sometimes boldly calling ourselves Christians and claiming Christ even though we're intentionally choosing not to act like Christ whatsoever, is just tough for me to wrap my mind around. And I don’t mean “choosing not to act like Christ” cuz we slipped and fell on some slippery sin, I’m talking about “choosing not to act like Christ” when we willfully and maliciously speak to, and about, folks in this world that we’re supposed to be loving and being Christ-like to. 

Jesus said in John 3:17 (ya, right after the most recognizable verse ever) that, “...God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” He came to save and we’re busy condemning the heck out of so many folks out there, who honestly might not know better.

We are a missional people who love to reach out to the lost, but we love to handpick which lost we think are worthy to reach out to. We go and love the unloveable, reach out to the poor, travel across the globe to love on street kids in Kenya (which are all great things and needed), but then we talk trash about, and absolutely rip into, the wealthy, elite, and celebrities because of their actions.

What do we expect? Even if they had some sort of background towards Jesus, or some sort of inkling towards His love, why would they want anything to do with Him now, since its His followers who are condemning them, hating on them and not tossing any kind of love their direction??

If you haven't read my homegirl Sara Gilmore's post (, you need to, because it's one of the best things out there about how we should respond to the world around us, especially celebrities and the influencers. 

So, simply piggy-backing on her brilliance, here's some additional thoughts... 

We have got to start controlling what we say about that world, that culture, and those precious hearts, who might need to be loved on more than any others. Most of us grew up with the little slogan, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Neat slogan, cute advice, fun to say, but it's just not true.

Your words have power.

Your words have influence.

Your words are not "just words".

Scripture says the following things about the power of your words...
Mathew 12:36-37
But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.
Proverbs 18:21
Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.
Proverbs 15:4
Kind words heal and help; cutting words wound and maim.
Or another version…
Gentle words are a tree of life; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.

You will be held accountable for your words. Your words breathe life into the atmosphere. Your words can bear fruit or be poison. Your words can heal and help or they can wound and maim. Your words can actually crush the spirit.

How many of you have ever thought about the fact that your words, your comments, your passing condemnation of come celebrity’s behavior, could in reality, crush their spirit? Like, whoa…that’s a big stinkin’ deal.

Your words are not just words. Your passing comment is not just a passing comment. Your sarcastic joke is not just a sarcastic joke. Your Facebook comment is not just a Facebook comment. Your tweet is not just a tweet. Your hash tag is not just a hash tag.

You hold life and death in your words. 

This is not a power trip, something super heavy, something that should freak you out, or something that should cause you to live in fear, walking on egg shells, always looking over your shoulder. This is simply to challenge you and make you aware.

Maybe you've never realized or known how influential and powerful your words are.

Well now you do.

In Kindergarten, most of us probably learned the slogan, "If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all."

Not bad advice.

Now that you know (and knowing is half the battle...thank you G.I. Joe), go make your words count, and help impact the world in a life-changing way. You don't have to be Mega Pastor, Super Celeb, or World Leader to make this can do it one conversation, one blog, or one tweet at a time.

So get to chatting, or get to being silent…whichever one you need to do.